Products :: Pellet Stoves :: AFRODIDE Heater Air Pellet

AFRODIDE Heater Air Pellet

Afrodite Heater Air Pellet
Italian Construction Canali Design 

-Armored or ceramic frame 
-Xoros combustion stainless steel
-Alternatively avoid heat anrakoucho steel 5mm thick that achieves maximum performance. 
-Water tank evaporation (humidification) 
-Monitor multiple options handling and display (ellinioko menu with Latin lines) 
-Wireless remote. 
-airflow Aisthitirio
-Door by fireproof ceramic glass

 tank Capacity: 35kg pellets
Maximum coverage area: 290m3
Consumption Pellet (min-max) 0.65-2.6kg / h 

 Length : 546mm 
Width: 600mm 
Height: 1030mm